Saturday, May 23, 2009

Great Day

I have had a very busy week, I havnt managed to sit at my scrap table once!!! I worked Tuesday and on Friday I did a walk I really enjoyed it as my muscles have healed a little, total weight loss since I started walking in April is 14 lbs! I feel much much better for it. Thursday was a busy busy day needed to go to town to get new sneakers for all the kids and I picked up a cheap pair of crocs for when I'm running in and out of the house! I donated a HUGE box of scrappy scraps and papers to the school they were thrilled with it. Friday I took the kids to the school the other side of town they had a fun fair on and they got to dunk thier teachers in a huge bucket of water, unforunately I left my memory card at home I would have had some great pictures! I have some super nice people at work one colleague in particular we just hit it off, we have so much in common it's unreal! We both have a thing for photography so we took the kids to the woods today, we got some amazing pictures, cant wait to start scrapping again, hoping to get caught up tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Kris Berc said...

Wow Zoe those are amazing photos!